Feel free to browse around and to have a look, a listen and a read. Exclusive audio can be found on our news page (look out for the little audio players)…….and please feel free to leave comments !!!!
Schneider TM Interview at the
‘West Germany’ / (Berlin 02.03.2007)
Sneak “preview” for the Schneider TM und Lustfaust show at the Haunch Of Venison Gallery in Berlin, September 2007
Tku10.net – Lauantai UMF Saturday 2007 Schneider TM @ Katedraalikoulun piha. Tku10.net
ANGEL Audio/Video RMX – music: Ilpo Väisaien (Pan Sonic) – Dirk Dresselhaus Schneider TM
Video: Philipp Geist (videogeist)