New SCHNEIDER TM album EREIGNISHORIZONT out on 26th of May as 2xLP / 2xCD / DL via KARLRECORDS

RELEASE CONCERT: 30th June 2023 – 20:00h Schneider TM + special guests: Crys Cole (live) / Jazzcats (DJs) – ausland, Berlin, Germany / TICKETS

Presented by Jungle World & amSTARt

“The event horizon gives the black hole its size; behind it hides the singularity. And the more extended it is, the more massive the black hole is. But the event horizon is also invisible; if matter or light passes through it, there is no turning back.“(Prof. Dr. Michael Kramer, Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie) 

EREIGNISHORIZONT is SCHNEIDER TM’s new and with a duration of over 80 minutes truly epic album: experimental guitar, technological innovations and excursions into musical territories beyond the usual.

Performed on (partly self-developed) electroacoustic guitars + effects through a stereo set of tube amps with sensibilities for the world of modular synthesis and a range of seemingly contrarian musical directions, the 8 tracks present transcendental micro- and macrotonal soundscapes and polyrhythms, a musical cosmology that appears to be located in a sort of idiosyncratic alternate or parallel universe where parameters are slightly shifted, which doesn’t necessarily mean something like ‘otherworldliness’ but certainly offer a view onto ‘reality‘ from a bunch of different angles.

EREIGNISHORIZONT sounds and feels like a soundtrack for a yet-to-be-made sci-fi movie and exposes the essence of Dresselhaus’ artistic approaches, crafted here with a more pared-down set-up, an awareness of advanced musical techniques, the physicality of sound, and an improvisational spirit that is based on the experience that things are strongest when they happen first.

The main tools on EREIGNISHORIZONT are two customized electroacoustic guitars:
# The “FireSchneiderTM“ has sound chambers featuring removable bakelite lids and piezo mics, that can be used as percussion tools, vocal mics, or filled with interesting sounding materials like screws, etc.
# The next step in the long-term collaboration between Schneider TM and Deimel Guitarworks is the “SPARK“: In addition to conventional magnetic and piezo pickups the guitar also has playable reverb springs, one of which is attached to the tremolo construction and can be tensioned. The different sound sources can be combined via a global selector switch and sent to an integrated electronic LesLee, which oscillates back and forth between the signals and is connected to CV In & Out sockets for integrating e.g. modular synthesizers via control voltage. The “SPARK” can not only be played acoustically, electrically and electronically, but as an electro-acoustic sound object it also offers possibilities for playing techniques that are not typical for guitars.

The sci-fi feel of EREIGNISHORIZONT is complemented by the artwork by SEBASTIAN MAYER who, just a few weeks before Dresselhaus contacted him, got the opportunity to work as a beta- tester with some of the first available AI based image generators (for which Mayer himself prefers the name „neural network image generator“ because there’s no „intelligence“ – yet – in these networks).

Dirk sent Sebastian some tracks of the new album with the note that he was thinking about this particular image when recording them. Mayer listened to his recordings and understood what inspired SCHNEIDER TM about these more-or-less artificial artworks: “there’s a crude weirdness to the image, it’s funny but at the same time a bit frightening, by topic and by style. It’s like an omen of what’s ahead of us in regards to AI – and not only about image generation but in a wider sense. AI will impact our society in ways we can not yet comprehend, and this image is a coarse yet deceptive harbinger for things that are yet to come – for better or worse.”

Review at NEURAL.IT: “In his guitar sequences and in the “fake electronics” due only to the use of effects and tube amplifiers, in Ereignishorizont there are eight tracks, recorded in the Berlin studio Zone between 2019 and 2022, during the pandemic, although the master would also release The 8 Of Space on Editions Mego, an album definitely not inferior for the ecstatic paths.”

Review at The Sound Projector: ” “Ereignishorizont” (the album) really does come across as a soundtrack for an ambitious and epic sci-fi film or television series; at nearly 90 minutes it’s more or less complete in itself as a background music work and all that’s needed is a script of equal if not more ambition in its plotting and vision of a future complex urban society with the technology to match. The man behind Schneider TM (Dirk Dresselhaus) can be proud of the work he has done here. “

Extensive interview at Chain D.L.K.: “We as humans can’t ignore physics as we are physics, but not only that, it seems. Music is a good platform to discover dynamics and structures between different aspects of life and to dig into the mysteries of the unknown.”

Schneider TM at MWM /