dear all,

in co-operation with hamburg`s premier tape label, Someone Else`s Tapes, we bring you our first free release. kptmichigan and son`s 8 track mini album home / away.

to listen and download, click on the image. to get hardware, please go here.

kptmichigan and son formed around 7 years ago in dörentrup, germany but split due to musical differences. when in mourillon, a suburb of toulon in the south of france in the summer of 2007, they swept aside their old clinch and kicked out the jams. recorded in france, denmark and germany these 8 tracks are drenched with musical genius. fieldrecordings of cicadas and underprivilaged children, pianos played with 4 hands, sleep depravation (sergej), gallons of red wine, a beautiful mother and lover and too much hash (michael) mixed with a bout of sheer joy and happiness make this a complete no bollocks affair.